Salt is a national and virtual business. Since 2011, we have gradually moved all our operations into the Cloud. We no longer maintain any physical offices and our publishing team is dispersed around the UK.
There are no current vacancies at Salt.
Work Experience & Internships
The nature of our new virtual operations means we are unable to offer any work experience opportunities or voluntary work.
We have now closed our successful Publishing MA internship programme run in conjunction with Anglia Ruskin University.
You can discover other British publishing companies in the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook, which provides a comprehensive guide to the book trade.
The Independent Publishers Guild website also offers detailed information on publishers and vacancies.
Additionally, The Bookseller and Bookbrunch are both excellent sources for news about the publishing industry, offering features and commentary, articles and job listings.
We recommend these websites:
You may also be eligible to join the Society of Young Publishers.
Recommended reading
We recommend the following books on the publishing industry:
Bradley, Sue. The British Book Trade: An Oral History. London: The British Library, 2010.
Feather, John. A History of British Publishing. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2005.
Finkelstein, David, and McCleery, Alistair, eds. The Book History Reader. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2006.
Thompson, John B. Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010.
Unwin, Stanley. The Truth About Publishing. Revised and rewritten by Philip Unwin. 8th ed. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1976.
Woll, Thomas. Publishing for Profit: Successful Bottom-Line Management for Book Publishers. 5th ed. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2014.
Last updated 21 March 2024